iOS app

Children's Museum of the East End and Exploring Paths!

Children's Museum of the East End and Exploring Paths!

Whether you choose to explore on your own, with family or friends, or even start your own version of our mentorship program in your community (we hope with cycling), exploration and moving beyond our four-block by four-block radius whether in-person or virtually to experience and learn about the world and cultures around us is key to our personal development, and imperative now more than ever for us as a society to build a future based in understanding, acceptance, access, and opportunity.

What is Exploring Paths?

What is Exploring Paths?

Whether you choose to explore on your own, with family or friends, or even start your own version of our mentorship program in your community (we hope with cycling), exploration and moving beyond our four-block by four-block radius whether in-person or virtually to experience and learn about the world and cultures around us is key to our personal development, and imperative now more than ever for us as a society to build a future based in understanding, acceptance, access, and opportunity.

Getting Started and Honoring Our Roots

Getting Started and Honoring Our Roots

Whether you participated in Exploring Paths, want to start your Exploring Paths cycling group, if you're a teacher looking for help, a family looking to do more together, or a teen looking to explore...

You can now share the experiences we created during our program by visiting or downloading our application from the app store!