What is Exploring Paths?

Part guidebook, part social network, and part competitive outlet for teens, families, organizations, and the young-at-heart, Exploring Paths® is a web and iOS app that allows you to find, plan, and schedule destinations and experiences from around the world to visit in-person or virtually, collect stamps in your very own virtual passport and compete with friends by racking up miles on the leaderboard.

Whether you choose to explore on your own, with family or friends, or even start your own version of our mentorship program in your community (we hope with cycling), exploration and moving beyond our four-block by four-block radius whether in-person or virtually to experience and learn about the world and cultures around us is key to our personal development, and imperative now more than ever for us as a society to build a future based in understanding, acceptance, access, and opportunity.  

For businesses, we provide an open platform for youth & teen-friendly destinations and experience providers to expand their reach and reach an even broader audience in our new COVID-minded world.

So join us!  Explore and learn about the world around each of us!  When you subscribe a portion of all proceeds will go to organizations like the YMCA of Greater New York who encourage youth development. 

If your community is not yet supported, reach out to your local destinations and businesses and encourage them to sign up!  We have a lot more up our sleeves, but we'll start with this for now.:)